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In PromptDialog, Form is a component that collects a set of information from the user. The information will be stored in slots. In the following example, the bot collects the information of fruit type and quantity from the user, and confirm with the user after completion. This information collection conversation can be implemented by form with two required slots: fruit_type and quantity.

Bot : Hello!
      What can i do for you?
User: Hi there! I'd like to order some fruits

# Collect the type and count of fruit ordered by the user through the Form
Bot : Perfect! What kinds of fruits would you like to order?
User: I'd like some apples, please
Bot : Great! And how much apples would you like to order?
User: Let's go with 5 apples

Bot : Perfect! I have your order 5 apples.
User: Thanks
Bot : You are welcome! I'll prepare your order with 5 apples, fell free to ask!

There are other similar scenarios that can be handled by Form:

  • Check the weather: Collect the location and time to check the weather conditions in real time.
  • Book air tickets: Book air tickets by obtaining the user’s travel time and departure airport.

How to use Form?

Next, we will introduce how to create the example of user-ordered fruit mentioned above.

Create FruitDialog flow


Next, we create a Bot node to say hello and a User node to show the intent to buy fruit img_1.png

Create fruit form

Click the User node and select Form in the pop-up menu img_3.png The name of the Form can be set according to the function, here we fill in Fruit order img_2.png

Three pieces of information need to be completed after creating fruit order img_4.png

SlotsYesslots that need to be collected
InterruptsNoPossible problems filling the form or exiting the form
ConfirmYesAfter the form runs successfully


We need to collect fruit_type and count from users through Slots, and then explain in detail how to add fruit_type

Click on the Slots node and select Add Slot from the pop-up menu img_5.png

In the pop-up Slot window, we need to pay attention to the input Slot Name, here fill in the name of the Slot fruit_type (enter the name and press Enter to create) img_6.png

The blue part is automatically created after saving the Slot:

  • “fruit_type” : Slot name
  • ”-“ : Rhetorical node. Output a sentence to prompt the user to enter the information. img_8.png Double-click the Rhetorical node and fill inPerfect! What kinds of fruits would you like to order?. Ask the user what type of fruit they want to buy img_11.png

After the Rhetorical node, we need to add a user input to get the type of fruit the user needs, and at this time we need to mark the desired fruit type. img_9.png img_10.png

So far, the fruit_type slot has been created.

img_12.png Add count slot like this: img_13.png


During the ordering process, the user may ask some questions or exit the conversation

  • Do apples have a sweet taste? (After answered the question, go back to From)
  • Actually, I’ve changed my mind. I won’t buy any fruits today. (Exit From, stop order)

Do apples have a sweet taste?


Break Form

Add user input for user exit in interrupt, and use break node to exit Form img_15.png


The Confirm node handles the completion of the collection form, here we confirm the order to the user img_16.png

The complete flow diagram is as follows:

img_17.png img_18.png img_19.png


Can I fill multiple slots in one sentence?

Yes, we support fill multiple slots in one sentence. Example:

Bot : Hello!
      What can i do for you?
User: Hi there! I'd like to order some fruits

Bot : Perfect! What kinds of fruits would you like to order?
# count and fruit type in one sentence
User: Let's go with 5 apples

Bot : Perfect! I have your order 5 apples.
User: Thanks
Bot : You are welcome! I'll prepare your order with 5 apples, fell free to ask!

Mark multiple slots in the Slot node in From form-21