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Conditional Responses

Let’s create a chatbot of IT Helpdesk, which can give the reason for the error codes.

Bot : Hello! Welcome to help center.
      What can i do for you?
User: I get a error code 1001
Bot : 1001 means your user name or password is wrong. Please check your username and password.
User: 1011
Chatbot: 1011 means system is busy, please try again later.

This task requires us to respond differently according to the error code.


Expand the IT Helpdesk bot, get the error input by the user and put it in error_code, and give suggestions based on error_code.


Click “Please contact our service h…” and then edit node:

  • If there is no match to the error code, the bot will reply:’Please contact our service hotline xxx-xxx’

Click ‘Conditional Response’ enter the editing pane.


Select the slot to be matched, here we enter error_code.


Click Add a new line.


Enter the slot value that needs to be matched, here is 1011. Reply is the response the bot will send. condition-response-05.png

Click ‘Ok’ to save condition-response-06.png

