Reply Conditions

Before the bot replies, the content of the reply can be determined by whether the slot has a value or not. You can use this mechanism to implement the basic logic of if-then-else.

All the reply conditions are defined in the Reply Conditions section.

NameSlot TypeUsage
Greater ThannumberChecks if the value is greater than the specified number.
Greater Than or EqualnumberChecks if the value is greater than or equal to the specified number.
Less ThannumberChecks if the value is less than the specified number.
Less Than or EqualnumberChecks if the value is less than or equal to the specified number.
Starts WithstringChecks if the string starts with the specified prefix.
Ends WithstringChecks if the string ends with the specified suffix.
ContainsstringChecks if the string contains the specified substring.
Not ContainsstringChecks if the string does not contain the specified substring.
RegexstringChecks if the string value matches the specified regular expression pattern.
Is EmptystringChecks if the string value is either None or empty.
Is Not EmptystringChecks if the string value is neither None nor empty.
Equalstring/numberChecks if the value is equal to the specified condition.
Not Equalstring/numberChecks if the value is not equal to the specified condition.

Query weather

Depending on the user utterance, there are two possible replies:

  • Reply with the weather information or
  • Ask the user for the location


If the user utterance doesn’t contain the location information (At this point we can use Reply Conditions to detect), the bot needs to ask the user:

  • I’m having trouble understanding the location you mentioned. Can you give me the name of the city or area one more time?


In this case, we can extract city to determine the location.

Set Reply Conditions

  • Click Reply Conditions
  • Select Slot Name with city
  • Select Is Bot Empty to Conditional Type

This means that the bot will reply when city has a value query.png

You can set the condition of asking for the location:

  • Click Reply Conditions
  • Select Slot Name with city
  • Select Is Empty to Conditional Type

This reply will be delivered when there is no value for city.



The slot value can be used to guide the dialog flow to different branches.